
02 July 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council said today that 1 July 2024 will forever be marked as a black day for Australian agriculture. However, CEO Mark Harvey said it also marked the last day that governments could wilfully ignore facts and evidence and choose activism.

27 June 2024

Mark Harvey-Sutton, CEO of the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council said today that the government’s refusal to hold an inquiry was a shameful attack on Western Australian farmers, truckies and the regional towns that support them.

26 June 2024

Mark Harvey-Sutton, CEO of the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council said ALEC wanted to give credit where credit was due to independent Member for Curtin, Kate Chaney MP for voting against the Government’s ridiculous live sheep ban bill today in the House of Representatives and said she had set the benchmark for the Senate.

26 June 2024

Mark Harvey-Sutton, CEO of the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council said the passage of the sheep ban bill through the House of Representatives was an act of ‘political bastardry’.

26 June 2024

ALEC has today condemned the Labor controlled House of Representatives Agriculture committee for failing to do the right thing and for presiding over a sham inquiry.

18 June 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has continued his government’s detachment and displayed a galling lack of empathy for the Western Australian agriculture industry during a radio interview yesterday on 6PR.

12 June 2024

While not intending any disrespect to this committee’s members, and the time they are committing for this inquiry, Minister Watt committed to a Senate Inquiry with hearings in WA during a Senate Estimates hearing on 30 May, only to backflip less than a week later and assign the task to a House of Representative committee instead.

06 June 2024

Today, ALEC CEO, Mark Harvey-Sutton celebrated the achievement of community group Keep the Sheep, on reaching over 44,000 signatures and growing and said it was further evidence that the community doesn’t support the Albanese Government’s ban on live sheep exports.

04 June 2024

Speaking today as the Government announced a House of Representatives inquiry into the live sheep ban, ALEC CEO, Mark Harvey-Sutton declared the move was “outrageous” and was an attempt by the Albanese Government to jam through a policy that is universally unwanted across the agriculture industry.

31 May 2024

Today, ALEC CEO, Mark Harvey-Sutton was pleased to ride in the cab of a truck as part of the rally organised by WA locals to protest the Albanese Government’s ban on live sheep and said that the mood on the ground in Western Australia reflected the dismay in the policy.

20 May 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council is today sending a very clear message to farmers in Western Australia as well as to the Albanese Government – We’re not going anywhere!

11 May 2024

Today, ALEC CEO, Mark Harvey-Sutton denounced the Government’s announcement of the package for the phase out of live sheep by sea as a disgrace, saying it was clear that the Government was throwing out Australia’s vital agricultural industries in favour of activist ideologies, as well as a few votes.

08 May 2024

Today at Beef Australia in Rockhampton, ALEC Chair, David Galvin welcomed members from the Indonesian and Vietnamese beef industry visiting Rockhampton for Beef Australia.

02 May 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council said that while the last week had brought a brief reprieve for WA farmers with the announcement of financial support from the state government, the silence from Federal Minister, Senator Murray Watt was deafening.

06 May 2024

Today at Beef Australia in Rockhampton where the Government’s Phase Out of Live Sheep by Sea panel member Sue Middleton, was speaking at the Cattle Australia breakfast, ALEC CEO said the comments about the Government’s live sheep ban policy were enlightening.

24 April 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council applauded the efforts of WA Minister for Agriculture, Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC for her efforts in supporting the live export trade out of Western Australia by writing to her Federal counterpart, Minister Watt to call for a delay in the shipping moratorium start date.

12 April 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) is aware that the Freedom of Information Commissioner has granted the RSPCA access to Independent Observer footage of a voyage that departed Fremantle in May 2018.

27 March 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) today warned Labor MPs speaking on live sheep exports were simply using tired and factually incorrect arguments in parliament when debating a private members motion put forward by the Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsay on Monday.

26 March 2024

ALEC understands that a shipment of cattle to Indonesia experienced a significant mortality event during a voyage to Indonesia that discharged on 24 March.

13 March 2024

Today at the National Farmers Federation National Forum on Mental Health in Agriculture, ALEC CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton congratulated the NFF on putting on the forum and highlighting the importance of the issue.

09 February 2024

Following the publication of the full statement of reasons by the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) this afternoon, for its refusal to grant the exporter responsible for the MV Bahijah permission to re-export livestock, the Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) considers the decision detailed and extensive.

05 February 2024

On 5 January 2024, the MV Bahijah departed Fremantle, bound for Eilat, Israel, with a mixed consignment of approximately 15000 sheep and 2500 cattle. This consignment was approved by the Federal Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and was undertaken by Bassam Dabbah, an exporter that is not a member of the Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC).

01 February 2024

Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton has today launched a blistering attack on the blatant lies being perpetuated by activist groups and politicians about the MV Bahijah issue.

“Once again, activists are spreading lies to further their own cause and it’s time it was called out” said Mr Harvey-Sutton.

24 January 2024

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council has today reminded the Albanese Government that fairness doesn’t only apply to taxation. It noted the Government’s backflip on the stage three tax cuts and reminds it there is another area where a reconsideration of policy is needed: reversing the planned phase out of Australian live sheep exports.

ALEC CEO, Mark Harvey-Sutton said the Government should change its mind.

01 December 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) today called on the Government to take serious action on the concerns raised by Rick Wilson MP and Senator Slade Brockman in Parliament in the past two weeks about activist group Animals Australia. These concerns involve allegations of cash payments Animals Australia to livestock vessel crew.

21 November 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) today called on the Australian Alliance for Animals Chair, Hon Dr Craig Emerson to condemn and immediately expel its member, Animals Australia, for continuing to actively promote its co-founder Peter Singer, despite revelations in social media posts and in the West Australian that Mr Singer seemingly endorses zoophilia; the sexual fixation between animals and humans.

15 November 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) today reiterated its calls for the Albanese Government to reverse its live sheep ban policy, as the damage is being increasingly felt by Western Australian farmers, their families and friends.

08 November 2023

Nutrien Ag Solutions and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) are pleased to announce the winner of the 2023 Livestock Exporter Young Achiever of the Year award, Oliver Thorne, Business Development Coordinator at AUSTREX.

26 October 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) has thrown its support behind the National Farmers’ Federation’s Keep Farmers Farming campaign against anti-farming policies.

14 September 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) has opened nominations for the Livestock Exporter Young Achiever Award, supported by Nutrien Ag Solutions.

08 September 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) welcomes the agreement between Australian and Indonesian officials to resume the trade of Australian buffalo and cattle from the seven Registered Establishments in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia that were either suspended or restricted by Indonesia.

28 August 2023

The The Australian Livestock Exporters Council provided the following statement to ABC 7:30 on 8 August 2023.

18 August 2023

The Indonesian Beef Cattle Industry Association (GUPUSPINDO) and the Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) have reiterated the strong friendship and close working relationship between their two organisations despite the challenges the live cattle industry is facing.

26 June 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) advises that efforts to secure supply chains remains ongoing in Oman following allegations of ESCAS non-compliance by Animals Australia.

26 June 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) wishes to extend its condolences to the friends and family of the Hon Simon Crean following the sad news of his passing.

08 June 2023

ALEC is pleased to welcome a new partnership with Zoetis starting in 2023.

02 June 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters Association (ALEC) has reviewed the footage provided to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) related to non-compliances of the Export Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) in Oman.

30 May 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) advises that an investigation by the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) into non-compliances of the Export Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) is underway.

15 February 2023

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) opposes the Labor Government’s moves toward banning the live sheep trade in Australia, following recent comments in Senate Estimates by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Senator the Hon Murray Watt.

11 November 2022

Nutrien Ag Solutions and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) are pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 Livestock Exporter Young Achiever of the Year award, ILSC Roebuck Depot Manager, Ceny Hussie.

03 May 2022

Rural Export and Trading (WA) Pty Ltd RETWA advised the Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment, as the industry’s regulator, of an incident that occurred at an Omani importer’s feedlot on Friday Night 29th April 2022. Once the circumstances were ascertained, the exporter immediately self-reported the incident to DAWE on 2 May 2022.

07 December 2021

Nutrien Ag Solutions and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) are pleased to announce the launch of Corporate Travel Insurance for the live export industry.

Nutrien Ag Solutions Insurance Manager for the South East Chris Agnew, presented the policy to ALEC Members, stock people and live export vets this past fortnight.

10 November 2021

Nutrien Ag Solutions and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) are pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 Livestock Exporter Young Achiever of the Year Award is Kari Moffat. Kari is the Animal Welfare Assurance manager for AUSTREX, an Executive Board member of Queensland Livestock Exporters Association (QLEA), and the current Chair of the Young Livestock Exporters Network (YLEN).

08 September 2021

The three-year corporate partnership will provide support for the peak industry body representing Australia's livestock export sector and champion it’s mission to lead the growth of the sector through continuous improvement to business, environmental and welfare standards. 

“Nutrien Ag Solutions is pleased to continue our partnership with the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC). Collaboration is at the core of ALEC’s work, and we are excited to continue to work together to secure this important industry’s standing with the Australian public, said Rob Clayton, Managing Director, Nutrien Ag Solutions.