The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council has today reminded the Albanese Government that fairness doesn’t only apply to taxation. It noted the Government’s backflip on the stage three tax cuts and reminds it there is another area where a reconsideration of policy is needed: reversing the planned phase out of Australian live sheep exports.
ALEC CEO, Mark Harvey-Sutton said the Government should change its mind.
“Minister Watt has said throughout this process that he can’t change his mind on this commitment because the party took it to two Federal elections.”
“I can’t think of an election commitment that has been more heavily reinforced by this Government than its commitment to stage three tax cuts. The Prime Minister’s announcement today proves that election commitments can be modified when the facts change, and it benefits the majority of Australians – not just a select few.”
“We know that the Government’s policy to phase out live sheep exports is going to harm many Western Australians. We know the policy is only to placate a noisy minority, who don’t mind bending the truth in pursuit of their aims - activists that care nothing for the farmers and rural communities, nor the markets in need of food security they will hurt.
“We also know that the facts have changed since Labor made its commitment in 2018 – the industry has reformed and is achieving record animal welfare outcomes, demand is booming with live sheep exports up forty per cent and Saudi Arabia recently reopening for trade. The Government cannot continue to ignore the thousands of farmers in Western Australia who have explained the damage the policy will do.”
“The stage three tax cuts decision shows that election commitments can change when the facts change. The Albanese Government has now run out of excuses to maintains its live sheep phase out commitment. It’s only fair this policy is reversed to keep farmers farming.”
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