
ALEC membership is open to any business or individual involved in the livestock export sector.  If you are interested in becoming a member of ALEC, please contact ALEC on
02 6103 0839 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There are four categories of membership

Exporter Member: Includes licensed livestock exporters and Australian registered companies solely representing overseas importers of Australian livestock

Industry Member: Includes anyone involved in the livestock export industry.  Producers, transport operators, stockmen, equipment suppliers, etc are all eligible for membership in this category

State Chapter Member: Includes livestock exporter associations in any State or Territory of Australia

2022 Corporate Membership: please contact

You can access the Members Code of Conduct by clicking here - to report a breach of the code, please email and mark it to the attention of ALEC Chair, Mr David Galvin.

You can access the ALEC Whistle Blower Policy by clicking here

You can access the ALEC Stakeholder Speaking Up Policy here