The three-year corporate partnership will provide support for the peak industry body representing Australia's livestock export sector and champion it’s mission to lead the growth of the sector through continuous improvement to business, environmental and welfare standards.
“Nutrien Ag Solutions is pleased to continue our partnership with the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC). Collaboration is at the core of ALEC’s work, and we are excited to continue to work together to secure this important industry’s standing with the Australian public, said Rob Clayton, Managing Director, Nutrien Ag Solutions.
“These past 18 months have been challenging both domestically and internationally with impacts from Covid-19 felt around the globe. We have seen the Australian live export industry made an essential service in order to continue to support our producers and to provide much needed food security to our international partners,” Mr Clayton said.
ALEC CEO Mark Harvey -Sutton welcomed Nutrien Ag Solutions as a valued partner for the live export industry saying the partnership will benefit members and assist in profiling the importance of food security.
“The partnership continues with Nutrien Ag Solutions exclusive sponsorship of the annual Livestock Exporter Young Achiever of the year award. ALEC is pleased to have Nutrien Ag Solutions public support for this award as a valuable way of recognising the incredible young leaders who work in our industry,” Mr Harvey-Sutton said.
“This award is an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the up and coming leaders and their commitment to the live export industry, its future and the importance of their own role within industry,” Mr Harvey-Sutton said.
“Nutrien Ag Solutions looks forward to seeing the calibre of the 2021 nominations. I personally encourage those working within the live export supply chain to nominate members of their team who show outstanding potential and are committed to best practice and the industry's long term sustainability,” Mr Clayton said.
Nominations are now open for the 2021 Livestock Exporter Young Achiever of the Year Award
Media Australian Livestock Exporters' Council Annie Frisch 0476 844 886
Media Nutrien Ag Solutions Lucy Brennan 0455 035 666