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ALEC applauds Minister Jarvis for her efforts to keep the sheep

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council applauded the efforts of WA Minister for Agriculture, Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC for her efforts in supporting the live export trade out of Western Australia by writing to her Federal counterpart, Minister Watt to call for a delay in the shipping moratorium start date.

CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton said that the support from Western Australia signalled the importance of the livestock export trade.

“It is pleasing to see Minister Jarvis and the Western Australian Premier, Roger Cook acknowledge that live export is important to Western Australia and nationally,” he said.

“We welcome their support and it’s clear that they understand that the trade provides a vital outlet for farmers to sell their stock in times of low domestic prices.”

“Indeed, Roger Cook said in Parliament that “we have joined the community in lobbying the Federal Government about the potential ban on live sheep exports” (Hansard 18/4/24). It’s good to see that the WA Government is on our side.”

Mr Harvey-Sutton said that industry had repeatedly warned that the phase out policy was having a direct impact on market conditions by eroding confidence. The Federal Government has been warned of this for the last 12 months at least, but has ignored it and refused to accept any responsibility.

“The situation we see today is all of industry’s warnings coming to fruition, and we call on the Albanese Government to finally start listening to WA farmers.”


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