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Walkout in Parliament question time as farmers insulted by Government

Despite an invitation, the Albanese Government failed to front the historic National Ag Rally in Canberra, attended by over 2000 people, in a move ALEC Chairman David Galvin described as “cowardly”.

Adding insult to injury, when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was asked a question in Parliament about why he is attacking Western Australian farmers, his answer was so rambling and tone deaf, farmers in the public gallery including WAFarmers President John Hassell, Australian Dairy Farmers President Ben Bennett and NSW Farmers President Xavier Martin, walked out in disgust.

“The Prime Minister’s answer was long winded and patronising and talked about any other agricultural products and primary industry other than those that are under attack by the Government.”

“He repeated the line about having spoken to farmers from Kalgoorlie once again, leaving farmers in the gallery scoffing. How many sheep are in Kagoorlie?!”

“Despite repeatedly crowing about his 23 visits to WA, the Prime Minister hasn’t thought to check a map to see where the bulk of sheep actually come from.”

Mr Galvin said that the Prime Minister’s glib answer betrayed how he felt about Western Australians and they had every right to be disappointed.

“It was ridiculous and shows not only has he not been listening, but that he is wilfully ignorant to the plight of farmers and regional communities.”

“People travelled from across Australia to come together asking the Prime Minister to listen. It’s clear now that he won’t listen and will continue to push his lines, no matter how ridiculous they may be,” he said.



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