Responding to comments by Prime Minister Albanese in Perth on Monday, Australian Livestock Exporters CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton refuted statements that the Live Sheep Ban is “good policy”, and that the government won’t face voter backlash in the West.
“The arrogance of the Prime Minister to make this statement is beyond belief,” said Mr Harvey-Sutton. “If the PM isn’t joking about killing the live export industry one week, he is patronising the industry with comments like these the next. No one with any common sense believes this is good policy.”
“Last time I checked, good policy is based on evidence and science, not pressure from animal activists and shady political deals.”
“The science clearly points to a reformed industry and there is ample evidence of the economic damage this ban will do. The Government has even ignored the advice of its own panel in setting a timeframe that is too short and constantly pointing to “opportunities” for farmers that do not exist.”
“Good policy also does not extend to shutting down legitimate contributors to the Australian economy, and the economies of rural communities in particular.”
Mr Harvey-Sutton said the government was continuing to ignore the pleas of hard working Western Australian farmers and their communities in blindly pursing the harmful ban.
“If this is good policy why is the WA state Government opposed to it? Why are WA farmers, truckies and supporters letterboxing en masse in marginal Labor seats? Why are they raising funds to campaign against this government if it is such good policy? Why are so many communities in WA despairing right now if it is such good policy?”
“These statements by the Prime Minister serve as a timely reminder that his government is out of touch with Australian agriculture. This is the very reason thousands of farmers and truck drivers will be marching on Canberra next week, and why the live export industry will be proudly standing with them.”
“The entire Australian agriculture community is sick and tired of being patronised by comments such as these and having their industries run by activists.”
“We would like this government to listen to agriculture for a change – that would be good policy.”