Nutrien Ag Solutions and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) are pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 Livestock Exporter Young Achiever of the Year Award is Kari Moffat. Kari is the Animal Welfare Assurance manager for AUSTREX, an Executive Board member of Queensland Livestock Exporters Association (QLEA), and the current Chair of the Young Livestock Exporters Network (YLEN).
Nutrien Ag Solutions’ Leon Giglia Nutrien West Region Livestock Manager represented Nutrien on the judging panel this year and Tom Breen Group GM Customer & Business Services at Nutrien Ag Solutions made the announcement at the ALEC virtual Members meeting on Wednesday 10 November.
“I was very impressed by the calibre of the 2021 nominees. Each nominee demonstrated a strong passion and commitment for what they do, and they are an assurance of how promising the future is within the live export industry. Nutrien Ag Solutions is proud to support this great initiative recognising young achievers,” says Mr Giglia.
Kari’s significant contribution to the live exporting industry commenced in 2014 when she was studying at Marcus Oldham College and the opportunity arose to board a live export vessel destined for Indonesia. Kari seized the moment, deferred her Agribusiness degree for 2 years, and sailed full time as a Head Stockwomen, overseeing 15 voyages between Northern Australia and Southeast Asia.
“Kari has had an immense impact in the ESCAS supply chain. I have been heavily involved with ESCAS since its implementation and I have not seen an individual who has been able to identify, address and implement projects to enable enduring change for what is a challenging segment of the supply chain. Kari operates with a level of passion for the industry that rarely comes along. Her commitment to fostering and channelling the energy of the younger livestock export community has been an astonishing achievement. With people like Kari in the industry, it’s safe to say we will be in safe hands.” says Tom Slaughter AUSTREX CEO.
ALEC chief executive officer Mark Harvey-Sutton said Kari was one of many outstanding young professionals working in the live export industry.
“As an industry, it is important to give recognition to the exceptional young achievers, their commitment to innovation, leadership, and to world-leading practices. Kari’s passion for ensuring the sustainability of the live export trade has overflowed into many industry projects and she has worked hard to advocate for the important place young, passionate professionals play in the future of our industry.” says Mr Harvey-Sutton.
Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council Annie Frisch 0476 844 886
Nutrien Ag Solutions Lucy Brennan 0455 035 666