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Statement I Reported ESCAS non-compliance in the UAE Dubai market

Rural Export & Trading (WA) Pty Ltd (RETWA) has been contacted by the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) regarding an alleged Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) non-compliance during this year’s Eid Al Adha related to Australian sheep being removed from the approved UAE Dubai livestock market supply chain facility.


RETWA, all exporters and importers are aware that the Eid festival period increases the number of sheep movements in support of the higher demand during this significant cultural event. Every year specific Eid management plans are prepared, always reinforcing that the requirements under ESCAS for Australian animals must be upheld.

RETWA is extremely disappointed with the notice that a non-compliance incident has occurred. We have commenced an investigation and will continue to provide all information to DAWE.

“Any reported ESCAS non-compliance within the supply chain is immediately investigated by exporters, importers, and DAWE with all stakeholders working to understand what and how it occurred and to implement corrective action and management practices to avoid further non-compliances.” RETWA Management said.

Australian exporters have been supplying sheep to the Middle East for nearly 50 years. Australian sheep consignments are critical for food security, and due to this our protocols and management practices are well respected and valued in the region.

“RETWA and our importers in the Middle East are committed to ESCAS compliance and have invested significantly in our markets, to make continual improvement and achieve good animal welfare outcomes for Australian (and local) livestock. We are diligent and proactive in the effort and investment we make in our markets to achieve and exceed ESCAS standards. We will continue to invest in and develop our supply chains to deliver animal welfare outcomes that meet Australian expectations and standards, as well as provide much needed food security for the UAE” RETWA Management said.

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