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ALEC Response to New Zealand live export by sea phase out announcement

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) expresses its sympathies with its New Zealand colleagues today following news that the New Zealand Government will phase out livestock exports over the next two years.

 “This is understandably disappointing news, particularly for New Zealand producers that rely on the trade for competition in their livestock markets as well as their international trading partners.” Mark Harvey-Sutton ALEC CEO.

“It is important to note that the Australian and New Zealand industries are very different in terms of their scale, market dynamics, and regulatory processes.” Mr Harvey-Sutton.

“The Australian industry will continue to be a world leader in livestock exports and continues to play a critical role in providing food security for our trading partners as well as providing competition in the market for Australian producers.” Mr Harvey-Sutton.

“We have full confidence in the standards the Australian industry upholds and expect the impacts of the New Zealand decision to have limited bearing on the strength of the Australian industry and its continuing growth.” Mr Harvey-Sutton.

Media Inquiries

Annie Frisch

Media and Communications Director

0476 844 886