Mark Harvey-Sutton, CEO of the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council said ALEC wanted to give credit where credit was due to independent Member for Curtin, Kate Chaney MP for voting against the Government’s ridiculous live sheep ban bill today in the House of Representatives and said she had set the benchmark for the Senate.
“Ms Chaney showed us today that Members of Parliament can change their minds when shown the evidence on an issue. That is what we’ve consistently asked them to do: look at the overwhelming evidence of reform in the industry and base your decisions on how it looks today.”
He said the Bill would likely move to the Senate and called on Senators, particularly WA Senators, to apply the same judgement.
If ALP Senator, Fatima Payman, can cross the floor then other Labor Senators can cross the floor to vote against the sheep ban. Particularly, as their job is to stand up for WA’s interests, not listen eastern state activists who have no idea of WA’s values and the thousands of livelihoods that will be lost because of the ban.
“We implore Senators to look at the evidence and science around the trade. It has reformed, sheep are arriving at their destination well and we are setting world-leading animal welfare standards across the globe,”
“We ask that Senators make the right decision for Western Australians and Australia’s sheep industry and vote to save the trade.”
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