The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) as required under the ESCAS guidelines has advised that on the 28 July 2021 a third party has reported non-compliant handling and slaughter at an approved facility in Jordan.
Livestock Shipping Services (LSS) has confirmed that the non-compliance occurred on the 20th July 2021. The facility has previously never had a non-compliance. LSS are aware the festival period does increase movement and handling of livestock and conducts a rigorous Eid management plan, always reinforcing the obligations for Australian animals under ESCAS.
Once advised of the non-compliance LSS immediately suspended all slaughter and sales at the facility and has started an extensive investigation. LSS are currently working with local authorities to remove all the remaining sheep from the facility and relocate them to an approved feedlot. Loading of the sheep will be overseen by the Jordan Supply Chain Manager to ensure animal handling and transport meets ESCAS requirements.
“Jordan has embraced ESCAS and made significant improvements in animal welfare practice. A rigorous training program will be implemented into that facility before sheep will return to ensure that it is of the standard that is required of the facilities LSS supplies to.” said the LSS Middle East ESCAS Manager.
We believe that we have significantly improved welfare outcomes for both Australian and local livestock with our presence and support in this market, and this non-compliance further highlights the ongoing importance of Australian involvement in the market to uphold ESCAS and animal welfare standards.
“LSS is committed to ESCAS compliance and has invested significantly in all markets it exports to and will continue to do so. By investing in people and training this not only improves animal welfare outcomes for Australian livestock but also livestock imported from other countries and local livestock. We know there is always more to be done and we will continue to invest in our supply chains.” the LSS ESCAS Manager said.
Our investigation is ongoing, and we are committed to understanding why the facility operated this way and rectifying the issues. We are committed to working with DAWE and providing all information from our investigation into this unacceptable conduct.
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